There are several ways to get involved with Rock Hill Trails and Greenways. From volunteer workdays maintaining and building trails to leading or participating in guided walks or runs as part of our “Trail for the Month” Campaign, your time, talent and passion for trails are always welcome! As we work to increase awareness and use of Rock Hill’s Trails, Greenways and Park to Park Bike Routes, there is always a need for volunteers, partnerships, in-kind donations and sometimes monetary contributions to sport the many initiatives and programs offered. Please review the options below and let us know how you would like to show your sport!
In-kind donations of materials, services and equipment can have a big impact in reducing the cost of trail projects and outreach programs. In most cases, in kind donations can be quantified as monetary and are tax deductible through the Parks Foundation. Click here for examples of in kind donations.
Attend a Trails and Greenways Advisory Committee meeting to voice your opinion or experience. The Trails and Greenways Advisory Committee usually meets on the 3rd Monday of Every Month at 4:00 PM. The meetings are open to the public and if you have a concern or an idea to share, we ask that you contact us in advance so we can provide time on the agenda for you to share. Click here to learn more about the advisory committee and request to be included on the agenda.
Help keep children and families engaged in nature through a variety of outreach programs and events that promote active living and foster environmental awareness. If you are interested leaving a legacy for generations to come please click here to learn more about the Nature Navigators Endowment and someone from the Parks Foundation will assist you with making a tax deductible monetary contribution.